Parents' Club


Parents' Club Executive Board 
Note all phones are (586) unless otherwise noted
Co-President Jeri Partyka 777-1772
Co-President Michelle Kosal 498-9876
Secretary Dawn Dykla 415-1821
Treasurer Darlene Davenport 465-9957

    Parents' Club Team Help List
Sandy Creagh 598-8439
    Rose Barone 415-7599
    Kim Adcock 778-6037
    Diane Gardiner 774-3536
    Tracey Belanger 630-0332

Parents' Club Description

        One of the benefits of belonging to a hockey association is that there is a social and educational side that benefits the entire organization.  The SCSHA is fortunate to have the Parents' club to round our the association.

        Here is a brief list of the fund raising activities that the P.C. generally spearhead each year:
            Skate Sale
            Opening Day Bake Sale
            Skate with Santa
            Pizza Kits
            End of the Year Dance
            Souvenir Orders
            Selling Yearbook Ads


        Here is a brief list of what the P.C. provides for the players:
            A league pin
            A yearbook
            Academic Awards
            First place and runner up trophies on Super Sunday
            An annual scholarship award
            A pin design contest with a prize for the winner

        Here is what the club does for the association:
            Compiles Yearbook Information and Pays for Publishing
            Pays for Publishing Costs for the League Newsletter
            Organizes Participants for the SCS Memorial Day Parade
            Sponsors a Managers’ Clinic
            Collects prizes for the End of the Year Dance
            Adopt Families at Christmas


        All information for the above activities is provided at monthly meetings (see schedule below),  Your representative is responsible for informing your team about the upcoming activities within the association.  If you do not have a representative at these meetings, your team misses out on information and activities that are vital to each team and the entire SCSHA.

Meeting Schedule CLICK HERE

Meeting Minutes CLICK HERE


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Academic Awards

        The SCSHA Parents' Club recognizes players excel academically.   This is done at the end of the year, at closing ceremonies.  Players are awarded a patch or pin.  The exact "type" of award varies each year.   The players' names are listed in the yearbook, as well.

        To qualify for the academic award, a player must be a Pee Wee or older.  The player must have a 3.0 or higher G.P.A. for TWO semesters.

       Copies of report cards are submitted to The Parents' Club.  The Parents' Club compiles a list.

        The Parents' Club establishes a deadline that is usually in early February.  Make sure your team knows about these awards early on.

        You can either collect all the copies of the players' report cards and submit them yourself OR make each player responsible for turning in his/her report card to the Parents' Club.

        The P.C. also has established an annual scholarship for college bound players.  It is awarded in March.  Scholarship packets are available through the P.C.  This scholarship usually has an early February deadline.

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