St. Clair Shores Hockey Association

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Ice For Sale

Rules of the Ice Sales Posting Board

  • You must have a valid email address in order to post Ice For Sale on this board.  The board will reject any email address that is invalid and we will identify those individuals posting incorrect or "bogus" information on the posting board and deny them future access.

  • The St. Clair Shores Hockey Association holds no responsibility for negotiations made utilizing this board.  The negotiating parties accept full responsibility to make immediate and direct contact with each other to seal deals and work out details.

  • St. Clair Shores Teams are reminded of the obligation to allow the predetermined and communicated period of time for other teams within the association to purchase ice prior to accepting offers from outside the association.  The generous blended rates we enjoy are a result of hard work and effort which the association members should be allowed first to enjoy.

  • The entries placed on the board will initially be marked as "OPEN" and the only way to close an entry is to email the webmaster (see CONTACTS page) when your sale is complete.

  • Only those members of the SCS Hockey Assn. with proper authorization may add ice for sale.  The "ADD ICE" feature is password protected.  If you do not know the password, contact your Division Director for the password or email the webmaster (see CONTACTS page) with proper identification including a phone number where you may be reached, if you are a proper representative of an SCSHA team.

    If you have any questions about these Rules of the SCSHA Ice Sales Board, feel free to email the webmaster (see CONTACTS page)

I do not agree to abide by the above rules,
take me back to the SCSHA home page.

I understand and agree to abide by the above rules -
Now I'd like to ADD to the board by clicking HERE
(password demand temporality disabled at
Now I'd like to READ the current board by clicking HERE

Now I'd like to change the status of a current entry by clicking HERE

Please email the webmaster with any and all input, corrections, additions or comments pertaining to this website