August 2004                                                        With the St. Clair Shores Hockey Association


Welcome back to the 47th season of hockey                              New Board Members                           

in St. Clair Shores!  You will notice a difference           Welcome to new Board members, Secretary Rick Urso,

in your annual newsletter this season.  Debby                and Travel Rep Dale Buss.  Good Luck!  Returning Board

Connor has stepped down from her position                   members are:  President – Sal Giacalone, Vice-President -        

as association secretary.  We will miss her!                   Tad Ruggeri, Treasurer – Ted Wahby, Registrar – Brian

She dedicated many years of service to our                  McEvoy, Officers At Large – Mark Burlingame, Bill Hargis,

children, and our huge appreciation goes out                 and John Giannetti,  & Past President Bill Stevelinck.

to her. So, in her honor…

                                                                                                            Referee School

You Know You’re A Hockey Mom When…              Greg White, SCSHA Referee-in-Chief, will be holding

                                                                                    Referee School on Sundays, August 1 and August 8,

You have more miles on your 2003                                 For further information, log on to www.scsra.com.

 minivan than a 1969 station wagon.

                                                                                                USED HOCKEY EQUIPMENT SALE

You ground your kids for a week                                  The Parents’ Club will host its annual USED EQUIPMENT

(except for hockey practice).                                        SALE on Saturday, August 28 from 9:00am until 1:00pm.

                                                                                    Items for resale can be dropped off on Thursday, August

When someone asks how old your kids                           26 and Friday, August 27 from 6:30 – 8:30pm.  Remember,

are, you respond, “89, 94, and 99”.                               price your items to sell.  The Parents’ Club keeps 20% of

                                                                                    the sale price.  Sales are CASH only.  Volunteers are needed

All your computer passwords have the                           to help with setup and on sale day.  Please call Luanne Romano

word hockey or your child’s number                              @ (586) 725-6679 to sign up.  Workers get first crack on

in them.                                                             Friday night right after setup is complete.


You can rationalize spending $159 on                                                   Parents’ Club News

a hockey stick, but won’t spend $20 on             The Parents’ Club has chosen its Board for this season.

a Birthday gift for your spouse.                                    President – Luanne Romano, 1st Vice-President – Sandy

                                                                                    Creagh, 2nd Vice-President – Matt Garbe, Secretary -

You have more “Hockey Mom” shirts                              Julie LaMothe, and Treasurer – Darlene Davenport.

than shoes in your closet.                                              They are looking forward to another great season of

                                                                                    hockey in St. Clair Shores!

All your photos from family vacations

are from hockey tournaments.                                                               1st Parents’ Club Meeting

                                                                                    The first meeting for the SCSHA Parents’ Club will be on

When you have to choose between First                        Tuesday, September 28 @ 7:30pm in the Activities room at

Communion or hockey try-outs, you ask              Civic Arena.  The Parents’ Club sponsors many important

at church if there are any other options.                       events throughout the season.  Don’t let your team miss

                                                                                    out. Get informed.  It only takes one hour per month.  ALL

                                                              TEAMS MUST BE REPRESENTED.  After September,

                                                              Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month in

                                                              The Activities room at Civic Arena.

Hockey Mom                                                                       

                                                                                 Check out the web…

                                                                   Visit www.scsha.org to get the latest information.

                                                                                    The website is maintained by our talented webmaster

                                                                                    Paul Van.  Referee information is available at www.scsra.com



 First Association/COACHES Meeting                                              Announcing 2004-2005 Coaches

The first SCSHA meeting is on Thursday,                                            

August 26, 2004 at 8:00 pm in the activities                                                      Mite Division

room.  Division Reps will be chosen and house                            101 Pete DeHooghe                   104 Dave Meress

packets will be distributed.  All head coaches,                          102 George Collias                    105 Brian Godbout

including travel teams, must attend.                                           103 Tim Keelan                         106 Joe Casaceli


Draft Dates and Times                                                        Squirt Division

The house drafts will be as follows:                                         201 Dan Adam                           204 Paul MacPhee

Tuesday, Sept. 7:              Mite @ 6:30pm                                  202 Bill Evans                           205 Leon Karpinski

                                        PeeWee @ 8:00pm                            203 Dan Barry                          206 TBD

Wednesday, Sept. 8:         Squirt @ 6:30pm

                                        Bantam @ 8:00 pm                                                     PeeWee Division

Thursday, Sept. 9:          Midget B @ 6:30pm                             301 Brian McEvoy                     304 Mark Cicchini

                                       Midget BB@ 8:00pm                           302 Frank Demers                    305 Mike Blum

                                                                                                303 Gary Fleming                     306 TBD

How to Remove a Registered Player                  

From the Draft                                                        Bantam Division

If your house registered son/daughter made a              401 Tim Miller                          404 Gary Partyka

travel team outside of the SCSHA, or if you                              402 Doug Templeton                 405 John Rafferty

are moving, or have decided not to play, please             403 John Schrewe                  

notify the Registrar.  Call Brian McEvoy @

(586) 779-4389 by September 6.  REMEMBER,                                     Midget Division

there are no refunds of the registration fee                501B Sal Giacalone                   504BB Dave Grout       

as stated on the registration form.                                       502B Mark Fett                        505BB Tony Scola

                                                                                                503B Dennis VanDorp

                        Managers’ Clinic                              

It’s that time of year again!  The Parents’ Club                                      Travel Division

invites all new and seasoned managers to it’s                             210 Don Benson                        220 Tom Peck

Managers’ Clinic on Monday, September 13 @                            250 Rich Warner                      310 Tad Ruggeri

7:00pm in the Activities room at Civic Arena.                             320 Pat Ryan                            350 Ted Brakeman

Coaches, get organized early this year!                                     410 Ron Lipa                             420 Sal Giacalone

                                                                510 Marty Sell                          520 Dale Buss

Treasurers’ Clinic                                              550 Debby Connor

Join our league treasurer, Ted Wahby, on Tuesday,

September 14 @ 7:00pm in the Activities room at                                               Upcoming Events

Civic Arena.  All teams must be represented.                          Coaches Meeting           Thursday, August 26 @ 8:00pm

                                                                                                House Rostering            Wed/Thur, September 15 & 16

                                                            Association Meeting      Thursday, October 7 @ 8:00pm

                    Off Ice Official Clinic                                League Pictures            Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 9 and 10

New this Year is the Off Ice Official Clinic!                   Opening Day                 Sunday, October 24

Greg White invites all timekeepers and score-                           Silver Sticks                 December 1-5, “A”

keepers to the Clinic to get all the latest information.                                                    December 8-12, “AA”

Join him Thursday, September 23 @ 7:00pm in             Skate With Santa         Saturday, December 18 @ 2:30pm

the Activities room at Civic Arena.  Each team must                    International Silver Stick         January 27-30            

have at least 2 participants.